Saturday, 27 December 2014

Evanesce 1

Continuing with some more charcoal but softer around the edges.  The addition of colour overlays are just blurred images of autumn leaves. There is some digital retouching and refining but not much. 

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Dissipate 1

Gone back to charcoal again as I feel I need to develop these ideas further and only charcoal seems to give me the depth of black that I need. The addition of just one colour or even subtle hues maybe a way forward.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Pencil Portrait 2

This is the next stage and I've added some digital work, both in the hair and layering in some photographs of leaves. The blending from black and white to colour works well I think. However I wasn't too happy with the quality of the drawing work both in this and the previous piece. It was really noticeable when it was scan into photoshop. I may have to look at the paper. 
Model is Phoebe.

Pencil Portrait 1

Trying a bit of pencil work which I hope to develop a bit . To be honest I'm hoping it may be a little more commercial with the possibility of print sales. This is the delightful Elena.

Sunday, 5 October 2014


This is a new piece of digital work like some of the earlier work but in portrait. I had the idea to try one of the online print sales sites and see what happens. As always it is a combination of layers of photos and blending techniques. If nothing else it colourful. 
I thought it might be a little commercial so it's on:

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Evanish 3

Another one possibly not as successful just a bit of wispy smoke.

Friday, 29 August 2014


Gave up with painting for a bit and went even further back to basics with cahrcoal.  Sadly used an image off the internet as the reference but quite liked the way it went and it's so much quicker!

Thursday, 24 July 2014

A small piece of Card

I decided that I need to go back and learn how to paint better. So I am going to try different techniques on small scale studies. This is 18cm square on board and is my attempt to paint Alla Prima.

Alla Prima is a style of painting where, instead of building colors up with layers of glaze over an underpainting, the painting is completed while the paint is still wet. Strictly defined, an alla prima painting would be started and finished in one painting session, but the term is also more loosely applied to any painting done in a direct, expressive style, with minimal preparation.
It didn't quite work as it took a couple of days to paint and the hot weather caused the surface to dry too quickly. I'll keep trying though until I feel it works better.
The model is Katy Card hence the wonderfully funny title.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014


Finally finished this having left it half complete to do the self  portrait - never a good idea for me as I don't like going back. 
It still needs a little tweaking but at the Seasons series is half complete. Starting on Spring now. 
By the way the model is my niece Fay.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Angst in oil

Angst in oil - do I like it? Not really sure at this point. Wanting to go back and correct things with a small brush but this would defeat the point. Colours are not good in the image here.

Monday, 7 April 2014


New digital painting with Photoshop, I tried to be much looser in style rather than the usual. I might try this with oils on canvas. 

Sunday, 6 April 2014

The Beast

Self portrait which I did and entered in the 2014 BP Portrait Award.  Its the largest thing I've painted yet and took forever its 1.5 * 1m. It's quite unsettling painting yourself, particularly at this size. Stepping back an seeing a mirror image staring back at you is not the most enjoyable thing to do. Unsurprisingly it didn't get in and even "this year there were 2,377 entries and only 55 were selected for exhibition" didn't diminish the disappointment. But hey you've got to give it a go.

Saturday, 25 January 2014


This is another photo manipulation that was finished some time ago. Lots of my photos of honeysuckle and vine. Twisted and warped in Photoshop around the model and then lots of colour changes. 

Sunday, 19 January 2014


This is the first painting in the new seasons series. I used my own reference photos apart from the face which was purchased from shutter stock. I love those delicate little poppies that you see springing up all over the place. I'm actually quite pleased with it and it was quite a challenge, strangely because of the large expanse of , very light skin tone. It's 1000mm by 700mm oil on linen. I've got three more canvases waiting and have planned all but Autumn. Need a model any volunteers? 
The next one is Winter and Iv'e just started it. Watch this space!

Friday, 17 January 2014

Breeze 2

Second one in the series. Slightly brighter colours and different source images. For prints etc. it's on:

Monday, 13 January 2014

Breeze 1

This is another digital piece with much more editing going on and lots of added images. Most of the hairpiece is made from edited photograph that I took of foliage. This was blended in with layer blending modes in Photoshop. Why Breeze? Just the idea of the wind blowing through the hair. It's on if anyone wants a copy: